The Barbara Ingram School for the Arts staff and board of directors have compiled a list of our most commonly asked questions.
What is the relationship between the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts, the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Foundation, and Washington County Board Public Schools?
The BISFA Foundation was created as an independent charitable organization to support the extraordinary needs of the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts. The Foundation is independent of the school and Washington County Public Schools. The Foundation works in cooperation with BISFA and WCPS to accomplish our mission and to support the school in various ways.
What is the purpose of the BISFA Foundation Naming Rights Campaign?
The vision of the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Foundation is “Inspiring and sustaining an Art and Academic education for young artists.” While the Naming Rights for this campaign will be attached to rooms and areas of the new Vincent Rauth Groh Academic Center and Barbara Ingram School for the Arts buildings, all pledges will be placed in an endowment for the “sustaining” portion of our vision … to support the growing needs and programs that make BISFA a specialized arts school.
What is an endowment?
The National Council of Nonprofits describes endowments as “assets, usually cash accounts that are invested in equities or bonds, or other investment vehicles, set aside so that the original assets grow over time as a result of income earned from interest on the underlying invested funds … but allow the nonprofit to use the annual investment income for programs, or operations, or purposes specified by the donor(s) to the endowment.”
Why is an endowment important?
An endowment builds stability and sustainability. Endowment funds are invested with the intent of using the income they generate to support many of the programs at BISFA. There are many needs that are not met by a regular school budget and are an integral part of the fabric of an arts school. The endowment allows the BISFA Foundation the ability to fund many of these annual needs and expand the experiences and tools that enhance the arts and academic education for our students.
The Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Foundation has created an endowment at The Community Foundation. As this investment grows, it will ensure we are able to continue our mission:
Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Foundation advances exceptional arts education by providing resources and funding that supports the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts High School and arts education in our community.
A large part of our contribution to BISFA is in the form of funding adjunct instructors. These instructors are considered adjunct employees of Washington County Public Schools, and are vital members of the BISFA teaching staff, sharing their skills, knowledge, and expertise with students in their disciplines.
How will the earnings from the endowment be used?
Over the first 10 years, BISFA benefited from the annual fundraising of the BISFA Foundation. Annual fundraising only begins to address the needs of the school, the instructors, and the students. The income from the endowment would be utilized to support artists-in-residence, field trips, master’s classes, student grants for equipment and tools, and other needs.
Where can I view financial information?
Our annual reports may be reviewed by clicking here.
Are donations tax-deductible
The BISFA Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Contributions may be tax-deductible.
Would the Foundation consider a multi-year donation?
Donors can elect to donate a one-time lump sum amount or spread it out between two to five years, equal amounts each year. The Foundation will work with donors to set up a plan that works best for you.
What is the fundraising goal for this campaign?
The goal is to build a foundation for at least $5 million.
Can I select which area I’d like to sponsor?
Of course! We have many options at varying donation levels. You can select to sponsor an area (or multiple areas) in the Arts Building or in the Academic Building.
To learn more about the opportunities available or to ask questions about this process, please contact:
Ally Sirbaugh
BISFA Foundation Executive Director