Student and Teacher win Washington County Arts Council Award
Julia Muller, Class of 2015 gives to Hearts for the Arts
Julia Muller, Class of 2015 gives to Hearts for the Arts
Julia Muller, Class of 2015 came back to visit her school and drop off her “Hearts for the Arts” membership campaign envelope because #BISFAMATTERS. On behalf of the Foundation and School thank you.
Krista Hastings, Class of 2015 received two visitors for her opening piece.
Krista Hastings, Class of 2015 received two visitors for her opening piece.
Mrs. Mackley, Krista Hastings (Class of 2015) and Mr. Weary at Princeton University on Saturday, December 12. Krista is a freshman at the Westminster Choir College.
Krista had the highly sought after and coveted honor to be chosen as the soloist for the annual opening song I wonder as I wander conducted by Dr Amanda Quist. The song has opened the holiday show since 1959 with a freshman leading the choir.
Saturdays show had over 1000 in attendance and was sold out.
“This is why Bisfa matters! ” Connie Hasting, mother of Krista
Washington County Arts Council Grant
A letter to the Editor from a BISFA Parent
A letter to the Editor from a BISFA Parent
To the editor:
USA Today recently reported the news of a recent survey of high school students. The survey found that kids consistently reported negative feelings about their schools. And according to the researchers, those negative feelings can influence young people’s “attention, memory, decision making, school performance and social lives.”
Clearly we’re not doing a very good job of creating learning environments that foster happy, productive, motivated and, most importantly, successful kids. That all could change. Our small, mostly rural county has the chance to take a national stage, leading the nation in a unique vision for educating high school students and changing the way students view their schools and their futures.
The stage was set several years ago when a handful of forward-thinking people first conceived the idea of a boutique arts school in the heart of downtown Hagerstown. Since Barbara Ingram School for the Arts opened a few years ago, it’s attracted a national spotlight. In 2014 and 2015, it was recognized for academic excellence, garnering honors as one of best high schools in the nation.
The concept of educating children in small, specialty schools goes far beyond this downtown arts school. Small, highly focused schools give us an opportunity to engage children in their own education. It lets them have a voice in what they want to study and who they want to be. Research shows that smaller schools have higher morale, more extracurricular activities, and are easier and less expensive to govern. Most importantly, this format moves us away from large, industrial-sized high schools with the inherent problems of drug and alcohol use, bullying, gang violence, truancy, unplanned pregnancy and failure to graduate.
Small boutique schools are personal. Small classes mean lots of time with teachers. It’s hard to fall behind with that sort of attention. It’s hard not to excel. And that’s what makes them extraordinary.
I’m hoping the citizens of Washington County will recognize the opportunity what an academic hub of these schools would bring to our community. Education is the great equalizer. It puts our kids on the same footing as those from Montgomery or Fairfax counties. Most importantly, it is the only way to ensure a strong and inventive future economy. Investing in the kids of this county not only benefits those children and their families, it ensures that Washington County has a future as well.
The reality is the downtown Hagerstown economy is dying. And no amount of pop-up shops and “Wind Down Fridays” is going to change that. Frederick is successful because its economy draws on strong consumer support, which is based primarily in the Washington metro area. Put simply, Frederick patrons have the money to spend; Hagers-town and its outlying areas do not.
Washington County is not a wealthy region. It lacks Frederick’s resources. But what it does have is kids. And those kids have dreams. Let’s invest in the downtown academic hub so we can better foster those dreams and, in the process, realize some of our own.
Barbara Vann, Knoxville, Md.
The 2015 recipient of the Bill Dorsey Scholarship awarded today
The 2015 recipient of the Bill Dorsey Scholarship awarded today
Congratulations to the 2015 recipient of the Bill Dorsey Scholarship for Barbara Ingram School for the Arts was awarded today to Joshua Geblein, Senior vocal student. He will use these funds to pursue his music career.
Black Box Chair Sponsor
Black Box Chair Sponsor
The Black Box Chair Campaign began on September 1st with ten chairs being sponsored from 2009-now. Since the kick off of our campaign we have received the following as chair sponsors: Carrol and Ira Lourie, Susan Wood, William T. Alexander, Mr. Varner Paddack, Antietam Cable and Cho Benn Holback + Associates. Thank you. The Foundation is hosting a special event in the Black Box to highlight the campaign. A Fresh of Breath Air written and performed by Dale Stein. She will be performing on Tuesday, November 3 and Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00pm. Tickets are $25. Seating is limited. If you are interested contact the Foundation office at 240-347-4934.
The Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation 2015 Grant request Awarded
The Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation 2015 Grant request Awarded
The Barbara Ingram Foundation was awarded today their 2015 grant request from the Albert E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation. This grant request was for the Barbara Ingram Foundation to purchase a CRM (customer relations management) program called Charity Engine. This program will be a great tool for the foundation and the board. We want to thank the Sinnisen Foundation and their Board of Trustees for their continued support to the Barbara Ingram Foundation.
The Thomas L. Law Visual Arts Camp Scholarship
The Thomas L. Law Visual Arts Camp Scholarship
Congratulations to Samantha Allen on receiving the Thomas L. Law, Summer Arts Academy, Visual Arts Camp Scholarship. This is the third year this scholarship has been awarded.
Summer Arts Academy – MSO Scholarships awarded
Summer Arts Academy – MSO Scholarships awarded
We are pleased to announce that the Maryland Symphony Orchestra Scholarships have been awarded. This year the Rock Band Orchestra Scholarship was awarded to Donna Nicole Hardaway and the Band Camp Scholarship was awarded to Abigail Pulver. Congratulations! We look forward to seeing you both in July.
Michael Raymer Dance and Piano Scholarships Awarded
Michael Raymer Dance and Piano Scholarships Awarded
The Michael Raymer Dance and Piano Summer Arts Academy scholarships were awarded to Brenna Boland, Springfield Middle School and Fei Yan Collins, Smithburg Middle School. Congratulations to both students.